Unrequited Love


I have begun reading a book

it tells a tale of love

combined with paranoia

so strange, yet so familiar

Something I do not understand,

yet still makes me think back

Makes me think back to times,

times long gone for me

Times in which I couldn't know

Times in which I couldn't show,

that which I had to give,

that which I needed from you to live

Had I given my love then,

had I told you then,

perhaps then I wouldn't have been,

the way I am now

Alone and desolate

Dying and forgotten


I am reading a book

It speaks to me in tongues,

twisted tongues,

tongues I do not know,


or trust

I'm being taken back,

back to when things were easy

With ease gliding through life,

gliding through life,

because it used to fit me,

in a way it never will again

A convulsion makes me twitch,

shiver and grunt with pain

It slowly slithers up through my chest,

making me feel sick,

creeping and crawling up to my head,

putting thoughts in there,

that don't belong,

not there,

not anywhere


I will have read this book,

and it will be done

It will be done as my love was done

It will die as everything will,

be gone with the wind,

compared to life,

what does it matter really?

I wanted so badly,

for you to requite my love

Yet the truth I saw was not true,

it was what I wanted it to be,

nothing more,

nothing less,

nothing at all

You will never know,

that I wrote this,

for you to remember,

me as I once was,

as I remember you,

for what you could have been

You will never again find me,

because the truth belongs to everybody,

just as I belong to nobody,

I am the power freed

After my moment has passed,

if it will ever come

Will it ever come?

Yet another demarcation,

had you seen the light,

had you held me tight,

nothing is there left for me to say,

but farewell,

sleep well,


Let peace be the journey