The small world


As we grow up, our world grows with us.

The playground becomes the schoolyard,

through school we learn of our town, country, world

and before long, we're aiming beyond the stars.


Then, at some point in life, we stop growing up

and settle for simply growing older.

That, is when you enter a strange and as of yet unknown world,

a world in which you could be anyone, go anywhere, see anything,

a gigantic world that fits in the palm of your hand,

a giant that can be dwarfed by small things: paranoia, fear, anxiety.

But when your world has shrunk to the size of four walls,

it's probably good to take a step back and remember,

think back to the days when streetlights towered over you and daddy knew it all.

Or maybe, to just stop contemplating from a match box

and see where you go from there?


Granted, the world is big and ever changing,

a virtual kaleidoscope of impressions and facts,

but never will it be bigger, smaller or different in any way

than the keyhole through which you view it.


MdG 21 - 11 - 2002