Smile on my face

Morosely, I raise the pen once more,

too worn out to conceive a context,

too knackered to achieve grace or guile,

but too inspired and stubborn to back down and quit.


Feebly, I try to overcome the sweet call of slumber,

but I’ve already pushed myself so hard

and paid so little heed to my own well-being…

it’s hard to imagine fruition coming from such soil.


Determinedly I push on though, smash the boundaries.

I stumble, once, twice, literally face-plant in the guidelines,

but I pick myself up, dust off my mistakes and carry on.

I will reach my destination; the flame rekindles.


Unbreakable I feel, a seasoned warrior of verse,

crafting words like the world and worlds of words.

And with sweet leisure, taking my time,

I write about the smile on my face

as I end this poem.



MdG 11-11-2014