

I walk through this beautiful garden,

Surrounded by marble statues and sweet smelling roses

I look at you, intoxicated by your beauty

And nostalgia takes me away, knowing that you are not mine to possess…

I stand here in the rain

Looking at your window, behind which a bright light burns

I feel like I could love you,

But such is not my fate, so I wander on, wondering when it turns…

I want it to change into something better,

A pure thing, so I can be whole

I feel that you are what I need,

The missing part to erase the blackness from my soul…


You and me, we could be fine.

Me and you, we could work miracles together.

We two, we would be a union,

The two of us, we would leave our mark on the world, forever.

But alas… in truth… you are still only in my mind

Can I search for you, with any hope to find

The real love I need, the true emotion

Please bring me stillness, calm in my chaos and commotion

That way, I would have you in my heart, and you would have me for life

And as it is foretold,

It would be possible for me to behold,

Your beautiful person as my wife.


Could I find such emotion in this lifetime?

Or will my life add up to nothing more than a lot of empty rhyme?

I have to be honest and say I only can only wonder,

If I will ever find this love?

Truly pure and white as a frail and graceful dove.

Yes, in all honesty, about this I ponder.


For love.