From prayer to truth


Breathe life into these words,

oh Goddess of creativity,

and birth from thy womb

a spark of delight amongst desolation.


Like the touch of a feather,

light as the gentlest breeze,

the poet crafts a dream of words

as morning dew on a spider’s web.


Lithe of frame, glide, my silken hummingbird,

like a svelte vision of forlorn imperfection, perfected.


Be what compels men to speak in phrases of poetry

and your slightest touch may topple any fortress.


Bite like winter snow; tread lightly upon the pristine.

Love like smouldering embers; the patient breath of life shall come.


Find your own worth and unworth before finding it in others.

Believe with all the conviction an open mind may allow.


Be memorable before seeking to be remembered

and always remember what you should never forget.


And most of all, don’t regret a single choice you made

for you ultimately consist of them all, miraculously interwoven.


MdG 18-1-2013