Five quarter lady


With a smile brighter than a sunset,

sweeter than honey and beyond any model,

she somehow stumbled into my life.

Not feeling, seeing, hearing me at all,

her touch quietens the troubled,

her eyes sparkle with a lust for life for which there are no bounds,

through her fingertips, I hear the chiming of the circle everlasting.

Maybe she will leave my life as quickly as she came,

a shooting star, here one moment, gone the next?

Such is the tragic reality of life;

people come and go.

Some are special, some are terrible,

but almost every single one of them comes at one time, leaves another.

Be that as it may, I will give my lady five quarters:

four to complete the ride that is the circle of life

and one more,

the purest and brightest of them all,

to thank her for all she is, should and will be.


Have a good ride my dear.


M. de Graaf,
