

I try to set a good example for you, my boy,

and provide for you all the things you deserve

based on the amazing quality of your little heart,

including enough no’s to keep it that way.


But am I doing a good job? I really don’t know.

Part of me says I need to stop doting on you, get on with my life,

so you’ll be free to develop more independently from my flaws.

But a sad truth is that me and my flaws

are the only constant in your turbulent life

and perhaps the best thing in it,

or the thing to keep you sane?


For I know not only the quality of your heart,

but also its frailty

and I know how much and how little you have

for they are the same things I am rich and poor in

although I try to provide you with more

than what I have.


Every choice I make impacts you so immensely,

it seems the only choice I have

to provide you with the stability

you so badly crave

is to change as little as possible,

do as little as possible,

choose as little as possible

and slowly diminish,

like a flame, deprived of oxygen.


Yet you are worth my last breath

and the light in my eyes

and I will gladly give you all that is mine to give

to give you a chance to grow

into the sterling human being

you can become.


Go on, my boy, change the world

for both of us.






MdG 1-8-2014   (18.11)