Angels among us


There are angels among us,

living in our midst,

doing every day things,

living day to day lives.


This is the way it was ordained,

this is how it should be.


So alike us are these angels,

so perfectly they blend in with the lowly human race

that seldom, if ever, you will get to see one.


You can live to be 120,

you can climb Mount Everest

or visit every city in the world

and never see a single one of them.


For this is both their blessing and their curse:

even they themselves know not they're angels.


If you were to ask me why this is so

an answer I could not give you.

For who am I to guess where angels come from

or why they are the way they are?


Maybe this is God's way of protecting them

from the blind pride of humanity?

Or mayhap He understood that in this manner

they could best help us help ourselves?


Whatever may be the case,

there are angels among us.

In the form of beggars, policemen, politicians,

fishermen, fumigators, teachers, clowns, lawyers.


There are angels among us,

doing every day things,

living every day lives,

looking like every day people...


until they look into your heart.


They don't know how they do it

and you don't know they do it

but somehow, one day, you fall asleep

and the last thing you feel

before you close your eyes

and dreams come from far away

is the tender caress

of an angel's wing

brushing over your heart.


Thank you my love,

from the bottom of my heart

for making my world right

simply by being in it.



(c) MdG, 12-may-2003