A whole lot of love


We love so much

that sometimes we forget

how to love each other more

and lose track

of the beauty before us.


Yet all that is confined by words,

all that cannot be spoken,

can be felt by the soul

and released by the heart.


All that we’ve searched for

and all that we’ll ever need,

is right here in our hands

if we just look down to see it.


Right now I wish I hadn’t left…

maybe I should’ve stayed with you

to requite all your love back to you,

to make you sparkle like a sunlit gem.


Because every tear you shed

is like a spike through my soul

and every sob you make

was never meant for you at all.


I honestly love you more than time can tell,

just like I’m always loved by you, and more.


My human angel, my heaven, my life…

You are my all, and a whole lot more.