A modern poem


With an eye half open and an eye half closed,

it's amazing how one can find ways to see things with crystal clarity.

I wanted so badly to call, write, message you in any way,

but if that is as wrong as it may be, it may be right all the same.

I could SMS one of your many numbers,

which would be too direct.

I could give you a satellite call,

which would be too personal.

I could e-mail you,

to tell you what you might not want to hear

or what I might not want to write.

So in a sleepwalking tip toe compromise

I write what I do want to say to you

and promise you the future, the freedom and the fornication

from my wicked and wild world wide website.


It's time for me to sleep

and dream my undetermined dreams.

All is vague, all is a blur

-can't keep my weary eyes open-

yet, I remember your profile

-even with my eyes closed-

and I can't help but think...

I want to touch your face.


MdG  7-2-2003