A life in a world outside of time


It is easy to wonder if you are doing the right thing

With the people you talk to and the song you sing

It must be easy to fall in love, so many have done it

But I just sit here, alone in desolate shit,

certain I will never find "it"

That one beautiful thing we all know as love

Flying like a beautiful gray dove, high in the skies above


To all those in this world who have already found "it"

Be grateful, or someday you'll be lost without it

You may have someone special, but is it the one?

Examine with tact and thy worries shall be gone

And then there is the group like me,

the ones that wait but do not see

The ones that look at the fortune of others and capture it on paper, in rhyme,

as they are waiting for happiness in a world outside of time.